
Softball Albury Wodonga


Softball Albury Wodonga AGM

Published Wed 17 Jul 2024

The association AGM is Friday 2nd August 2024 @ 7pm @ Commercial Club Albury.

The ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:-

   i) to receive and confirm the minutes of the previous annual meeting.

   ii) to receive and adopt correspondence relative to the election or appointment of persons nominated for office.

   iii) to receive and adopt the Annual Report, to receive and adopt the Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts submitted in accordance with Section 30(3) of the Act.

   iv) to elect the Officers.

   v) to decide the amount of fees, plus subscriptions and levies.

   vi) to transact any other business affecting the interests or welfare of the association (including the making of amendments or rescissions of any rules or By-Laws of which (14) days’ notice in writing shall have been given to members.

c) The quorum for an Annual General Meeting shall be a number equal to three quarters of the financial clubs entitled to vote.

d) Two members from each club shall be entitled to one vote each.  When votes are equal the CHAIRPERSON, in addition to his/her vote as a member, shall have a second or casting vote.

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