
SASC General Meeting 2024
Wed 01 May 2024 19:30 — 21:30

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

The SASC General Meeting is scheduled for 1 May 7.30PM at the Clubhouse 1 Green Street Cremorne Point 

Please note that Crew Members are welcome to attend the meeting, however only Ordinary Members, Life Members, Active Life Members and Absentee/Country Members are entitled to vote.

To assist our planning could all those planning to attend please register at the REGISTER link above.


  • Commodore’s welcome
  • Apologies & attendance Quorum 10% of Voting Members
  • Minutes of previous meeting, approval and matters arising
  • Report from Treasurer on the Club’s financial position, followed by questions from the Floor.

Motion to be put to members: That members accept the recommendation from the Board that the Full Ordinary Membership Subscription Rate be increased as per schedule in the Notice of Meeting.

Special business

Break – Drinks and Refreshments.

The meeting will be followed by a talk from Jules Hall