Thank you to those that attended AGM this morning! Its great to see the community getting involved in keeping a long running, local club, operating.
Our newly elected 2022 Committee are:
President: Shannon Pietzner
Secretary: Melissa Martin
Treasurer: Bree Preston
Our committee can be contacted via email: or through Facebook.
There are still many vacant positions open, if anybody couldn't make it to the AGM. Please contact us if you are able to assist at all.
WORKING BEE! ---- We will have a working bee upcoming on the 13th February at 8am. A job list will be follow. If anybody is able to assist with any of the jobs, please let us know so we can ensure each job has someone assigned to it, to keep our club maintained and ready for the upcoming season!
SIGN ON! ---- Sign on infomation will also follow in the coming week.