
Term 1 2020 Classes

Published Sat 01 Feb 2020

Welcome back to Judo 2020!!!

We have an exciting year ahead with tons of exciting events and experiences.

Judo will be running during school term weks and will begin from Monday 3 February.

We will maintain the timetable from last year until we are able to more consistently mamage to get more coaches on the mat.

Junior Beginner Class      Monday 17:45 - 18:45          Class for judoka's new to the sport.

Junior Proficent Class      Wednesday  17:45 - 18:45  Invitation only, coaches will inform individuals ready for this session.

Seniors/Adults                  Wednesday 19:00 - 20:00

                                               Saturday  08:45 - 10:00



State Championships will be held in Perth on 29 March.  As a club we are planning on attending.  More details and information will be ade available once known.

Kano Cup is scheduled for May/June and is another event Sangrok would like to attend. More details and information will be avaialble once known.
