
Green Fleet Term 1 2021
Sun 31st Jan, Sat 6th Feb, Sat 13th Feb, Sat 20th Feb, Sat 13th Mar, Sat 20th Mar, Sun 28th Mar

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Green Fleet is the transition at SBSC from Tackers to independent racing  on a Saturday Afternoon. This is a highly supported environment which continues to build the sailors' skills and confidence through training drills and an introduction to racing. 


Times: 9 - 12

Cost: $120 per term for returning Green Fleet Sailors.

If you are a new green fleet sailor you receive your first term free. Please email to receive your discount code. 


Please note below some specical dates and times:

Sunday 31st January - Welcome Back Party 12 - 3pm

Saturday 13th February - Green Picnic 10 - 2

Sunday 28th March - Green End of Term Sail and Party 12 - 4pm 

**All other programming runs 9-12 on Saturday mornings**

**There is no programming on the 27th of February as SBSC is hosting the Opti State Championships & Fun Event weekend which is open to all our Dream Green Team!**