
Tackers 2 Term 4 2020
Sun 18th Oct, Sun 25th Oct, Sun 1st Nov, Sun 8th Nov, Sun 15th Nov, Sun 22nd, Sun 6th Dec
Australian Sailing - 4. Tackers 2 - Tricks & Techniques

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.

Dates - 18th October - 6th December

Time - 11:30 - 2:30 


  • $320 for non-members
  • $220 for SBSC / DSS Members. SBSC Members, use the discount code SBSCMember. DSS members please email to recieve your discount code.  


This is for Tackers 1 graduates or returning Tackers 2 sailors who would like *a little bit extra*

This course aims to build on the fun participants had in Tackers 1, to progress their sailing skills.

Enrollment is open to competent swimmers ages 8-11

This course is Nationally recognised by Australian Sailing.  

 All programs are run by qualified instructors.

For further information and FAQs please click here

Course Overview
This course aims to build on the fun participants had in Tackers 1, to progress their sailing skills. 

Course Prerequisites

  • Water confident
  • 7-12 years-old
  • Skills, knowledge and experience gained in Tackers 1.

Who should do this course?

This course is designed for participants who have completed Tackers 1.

Course Outcome

By the end of the Tackers 2 course, the participants will be able to:

  • Get out of irons on their own
  • Safely gybe the boat
  • Correctly use the tiller extension
  • Sailing around a triangle course, including:
    • Upwind - on a close hauled course tacking through the 'no go zone'
    • Downwind - with centreboard up
    • Reaching - correct sail position
  • Demonstrate a 360 and 720-degree turn

You will gain your Tackers 2 completion certificate.