
Out There Sailing, Taroona High School dummy
Wed 30 Oct 2019 13:00 — Thu 14 Nov 2019 15:00
Australian Sailing - 1. OutThere Sailing Experience

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.

Students will be involved in a variety of sailing experiences:

  • Through the use of club available recourses (Dinghies, Stand Up Paddleboards, Windsurfers and Powerboats)

  • A focus on games both on and off the water, fun activities, social engagement and destination sailing.

  • A program to engage young people with the outdoors and provide exciting and challenging experiences.

  • Learning to be safe around boats and the water

OutThere Sailing Experience sessions are all about having fun and getting a taste for on water activities. This action-packed program will give you the opportunity to try one or all the following, sailing, windsurfing, stand up paddle boarding, powerboating and keelboating. Depending on your club, experience sessions will be held over 2-4 hours.


Water confident.

Who should do this experience?

This experience is designed for participants who are 12-17 years-old looking to try a new activity, have some fun and engage with other teenagers. 

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We recognise that some of our course participants are completing the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award and may be using sailing and/or club membership to complete one or more sections of The Award. To learn more, click here