
Green Fleet Term 1 2022
Sun 06 Feb 2022 09:00 — Sat 09 Apr 2022 12:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Green Fleet is the transition at SBSC from Tackers to independent racing on a Saturday Afternoon. This is a highly supported environment which continues to build the sailors' skills and confidence through training drills and an introduction to racing. 

Times: 9 - 12

Cost: $120 per term for returning Green Fleet Sailors.

If you are a NEW green fleet sailor and club member you receive your first term free. Please email to receive your discount code. 


Please note below some special dates and times:

- First session back is SUNDAY Feb 6th.

- February  Long weekend there will be no training at SBSC due to our camp at Dover  (which you can register and find out more HERE!!!).

- On Saturday 19th there will be a Green Picnic 


**All other programming runs 9-12 on Saturday mornings**