South Australian Masters Games
Conditions of Entry
Closing Date for Entries has been set by each individual sport, please check the Registration information. Late entries may be accepted by some sports.
- Entry forms: Participants must complete a games entry form along with payment. Team organisers must also fill out the team entry form.
- Entry Fee: $60 (GST inclusive) compulsory entry fee covers administration, event management, medals, certificate and souvenir bag.
- Sports Levy: Sports Levies are set by the individual sports and vary from sport to sport.
- Team Sports: Each team organiser must complete the team entry form and each team member must complete the games entry form.
- Age Limit: Competitors must turn the minimum age for their chosen sport prior to the commencement of the games on the 3 of April 2025. The minimum age for competitors varies from sport to sport. However, where the minimum age for the sport is 30 years or below, participants will be required to have turned the minimum age AT THE TIME OF THE GAMES. Proof of age will be required at registration by all competitors by means of photo ID. Competitors may choose to compete against athletes in a younger age category, but not against an older age category.
- Insurance: It is recommended that all competitors secure and are covered by personal medical insurance, or have secured and are covered by appropriate health cover prior to competing in the Games. Some sports may require additional insurance, specific to their sport. See individual sport for more information.
- Accompanying persons/non playing officials: Accompanying persons/non playing officials may pay their games entry fee of $50.00 to receive all benefits available to competing athletes. However, medals will not be awarded.
- Refund Policy: A refund will be given, up to and including 20th March 2025. Refunds after the closing date will be sent at the discretion of the Organising Committee. All requests for refunds must be in writing.
- Games Schedule: The sports coordinators reserve the right to cancel or vary the length and type of competition if numbers do not allow the original program to be followed.
(a) In consideration of the acceptance (at the Organiser’s discretion) of my Entry Application form and fee, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the terms of entry and agree to be bound by the terms of entry.
(b) I certify that if I am acting as an agent of the competitor who will be participating in the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games and in consideration of the Games Organiser accepting the competitors application to participate in the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games, I have the authority and do grant an indemnity to the Organiser on behalf of the team and/or on behalf of each individual competitor.
1.1 Except where provided or required by law and as such cannot be excluded, I agree that it is a term of my acceptance of my Entry Application Form and fee (if accepted at the discretion of the Organisers) that for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors and assigns, hereby to:
(a) waive and release all claims that I may have against the Event Committee, Port Augusta City Council, their officers, agents, directors,
members, volunteers, employees, sponsors, stakeholders, Sport, other Accredited Participants (including Accredited Participants and Officials) (“the releases”) involved in the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games and its related activities, including any and all claims, demands or proceedings arising out of my participation in or connection with the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games and its related activities, together with any costs including legal fees that may be incurred as a result of any such claim wither valid or not, and
(b) indemnify and hold harmless the releases and each of them against such claim however or whatsoever that I or my guests or any one or more of my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors or assigns may have or assert and against any costs including legal fees with respect to such claims. - ACCEPTANCE & TIMEFRAMES
I will abide by the designated deadlines as stipulated in this Entry Application System and accept that should I not do so, my application for entry into the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games may not be accepted. I will abide by the Event rules, as varied from time to time and will abide by
directions given by Event officials. - INJURY PROCEDURES
If I sustain an injury or illness whilst participating in the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games, I authorise the appointed Medical Staff to perform and administer emergency medical attention as they think necessary. I agree to receive and pay for medical treatments including transport by ambulance, which is considered by the Medical Staff or Organisers to be advisable and which is provided to me at the request or direction of the Medical Staff or Organisers before, during or after the Event. - RULES
I will at all times participate in the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games upon the principle of fair play, sportsmanship and participation. I will abide by the rules and regulations as set down by the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games and by the sports body (Sport) organising the event in which I have applied entry. I will observe all written and verbal instructions given by authorized personnel and/or Sports officials. I agree that failure to comply with the designated rules may result in my disqualification from the Event and that I am responsible for any actions resulting from my failure to observe the rules and regulations. - SUSPENSIONS
I accept that if I am, or become subject to any suspension or ban imposed by Sport in which I am entering, I will make this information known to the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games and Sport. I accept that my application for entry may be cancelled as a result of a suspension. - DRUGS POLICY
I agree with the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games policy of condemning the use of classified substances for the purpose of performance enhancements. The Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games recognises that some classified substances may be medically prescribed and that the use of these substances may be permitted on the supply of suitable medical evidence. I support the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games application of the Australian Sports Anti Doping Authority guidelines on this issue. (www.asada.gov.au). - AGE POLICY
I acknowledge I will have reached the minimum age by the date as stipulated by Sport. Any variation to this condition must be approved in writing by the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games and the relevant Sport before I can participate in any event. Furthermore, I accept that I will be required to register in person at the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games Registration Centre and provide recognised photographic identification and proof of age at the time of registration. - PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL
I consent to the publication and/or use in any form of media whatsoever of my name, image, voice, results, statements or otherwise without payment or compensation and agree that I will reasonably expect to receive marketing material, such as SMS, email and entry forms, from the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games Organiser, Port Augusta City Council and sponsors regarding its events. - PORT AUGUSTA 2025 SA MASTERS GAMES LOGOS
I agree that I will not make, encourage or support unauthorized reproductions of the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games logo or name in any form without the prior written permission of the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games and accept that to do so may be in breach of Copyright and the Trade Practices Act. - REFUND POLICY
Some Sports may set a minimum and maximum number of participants due to competition and/or venue restrictions. If my entry application is received after the maximum has been reached, or an event in which I have registered is cancelled, I am entitled to a full refund of the Sport Fee for that event. Furthermore, if I am unable to secure my place in any other Sport of my choice and do not attend the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games, I am entitled to a full refund of fees paid. I agree that to be eligible for a refund of any nature, an application for a refund must be submitted in writing to the Games Director. I acknowledge that I am not (and no other person is) entitled to a refund or credit of any nature in relation to the entry fee(s) I have paid (for myself or another person), for any reason whatsoever, or in any circumstances, unless and to the extent that the Organiser is required to provide a refund or payment at law. I acknowledge that the Organiser is entitled to deduct administrative, legal, operational and other costs from any amount (if any) I would be entitled to receive by way of refund (if payable at law). - GST
All Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games, Games Fees contain GST. - BANK FEES AND CHARGES
I accept that should the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games be charged any fees by their financial institution as a result of a dishonoured payment on a cheque, debit/credit card or international payment fees, I will be responsible for any such fees and will be ineligible to participate in the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games until such time as those fees are paid. - SPORTS AND PERSONAL INJURY INSURANCE
(a) I attest and verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games and its related activities and that I have not been advised by a qualified medical practitioner not to participate in the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games.
(b) I acknowledge that participating in the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games my involve a real risk of serious injury or even death from various causes including but not limited to over exertion, dehydration and accidents with other participants in the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games or any activity associated with it.
(c) I acknowledge and accept that no Sports/Personal Injury Insurance is included in the Registration Fee or Sports Levies, and that it is my responsibility to seek my own cover. The Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games recommends that all competitors seek and obtain their own ambulance cover, medical/sports/personal/injury/personal public liability insurance, personal accident insurance (including for death or permanent incapacity and income protection) and/or insurance specific to individual circumstances in respect of participation in the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games and its related activities. - PRIVACY LEGISLATION
I consent to my details being disclosed to parties necessary in the conduct of the event (including Sports) and medical officials during any treatment required. - GENERAL CONDITIONS
(a) I hereby acknowledge that I have sole responsibility for my personal possessions and any related sporting equipment during the course of the Port Augusta 2025 SA Masters Games.
(b) If I am in breach of the terms of entry I agree to recompense the appropriate party for all loss and damage (including legal fees) arising out of such breach, including damage to the party’s reputation.