Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Welcome to our registration portal.

Registrations for the 2023-24 Membership Year opened on Monday 18 September

Please choose either the NEW MEMBER  or RETURNING MEMBER option below, and then follow the steps to enter (or update) your details and select the best SAMA registration type for yourself.
SA Masters Club fees (apart from Social) include basic ASA Membership and insurance coverage.

2023 - 24 Club Fees

Membership Types Fee  Pro rata Fees – New Members Only 
Applies from April 2024 onwards
Full $65 $48
Concession $52 $40

Country (postcodes over 5200)

$35 $30

Couple (each member of couple living at same address)

$52 $40
Social (non competing) $18.50 $13.50


Membership of SAMA and participation in our events is governed by the SAMA By-Laws (refer to our website).

If you wish participate in ASA events as well as SAMA events during the summer season you may want to upgrade your membership.  Information about the ASA options is available on our website.  For further information please contact our Registrar (email).


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