2019 Yachting Victoria Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Yachting Victoria is to be held at The State Sailing Centre, 3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park Reserve at 7pm on Monday 16th of September 2019.
Minutes of March Half-Year General Meeting
Yachting Victoria Financial Report for the year ended 30 June 2019
Minutes for September YVIC Annual General Meeting
Business to be conducted:
- Open Meeting & Welcome by President, Sean Hogan
- Apologies
- Minutes of previous meetings
- Business Arising from the Minutes
- President’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Australian Sailing Regional Manager – Victoria Report
- Amendment to the Yachting Victoria Rules Clause 15(3)(b(ii).
To consider and approve the following Special Resolution.
Special Resolution:
That Clause 15(3)(b)(ii) be replaced to read as follows:
“The President and the Vice President may offer for re-election to that position for both a second and a third year, but no longer, or may continue as an elected Board Member subject to Rule 15(4)(d)(ii).”
- Amendment to the Yachting Victoria Rules Clause 16(3)(a)
To consider and approve the following Special Resolutions.
Special Resolution:
That Clause 16 (3)(a) be replaced to read as follows:
“Unless the Board determines to the contrary, the Board must meet at least eight times in each Financial Year. It will meet at a place and time as the Board determines.”
10. Election of Board
11. General Business
12. Next Meeting – Half Year General Meeting – Monday 16 March 2020
In accord with Rule 20 only registered delegates may vote at the meeting. To register as a delegate please follow THIS LINK
Delegates & Proxies may be received at the YV office up until the close of business on the last business day preceding the meeting. (i.e. 5pm on Friday 13 September 2019)
Light refreshments will be served at 6.30pm, prior to the meeting at 7.00pm.
To register for both the Meeting and the Refreshments you need to register at
Special Resolution/s Explanatory Memorandum
The Annual General Meeting of Yachting Victoria Incorporated is to be held at the State Sailing Centre (Boatshed), 3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park on Monday 16th September 2018 at 7:00pm, Notice is hereby given that the business of the meeting will include the following Special Resolutions, proposed by the Board of Yachting Victoria for consideration, and if thought fit, to be passed by the members in attendance and entitled to vote at the meeting.
- Amendments to the Rules of Yachting Victoria Incorporated
In accordance with the current Rules and the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012, the Yachting Victoria Incorporated (Yachting Victoria) Rules may be amended from time to time by way of Special Resolution passed at a Special or General Meeting of the Association.
Special Resolutions must be passed by at least 75% of the votes cast by members entitled to vote on the resolution. Upon the passing of the Resolution the Rules shall be deemed to have been amended accordingly, and all Members shall be bound thereby.
- Special Resolution – Amendment to the Yachting Victoria Rules Clause 15(3)(b(ii).
That Clause 15(3)(b)(ii) be replaced to read as follows:
“The President and the Vice President may offer for re-election to that position for both a second and a third year, but no longer, or may continue as an elected Board Member subject to Rule 15(4)(d)(ii).”
Reasons for amendment to Clause 15(3)(b)(ii)
Clause 15(3)(b)(ii) of the Yachting Victoria Rules sets out that “the President and the Vice President may offer for re-election to that position for a second year but no longer, or may continue as an elected Board Member subject to Rule 15(4)(d)(ii).” This is to be amended to allow them to offer for re-election for a third year in their respective position. The current Yachting Victoria Board feels that a new President requires at least one year to fully understand the current governance model with Australian Sailing. It is felt that for reasons of continuity and succession planning that Victoria would be better served with a three year term for their president and vice president.
- Special Resolution - Amendment to the Yachting Victoria Rules Clause 16(3)(a)
That Clause 16 (3)(a) be replaced to read as follows
“Unless the Board determines to the contrary, the Board must meet at least eight times in each Financial Year. It will meet at a place and time as the Board determines. “
Reasons for amendment to Clause 16(3)(a)
The Board has reviewed the number of Board meetings required under the current operations of Yachting Victoria and has come to view that a minimum of 8 meetings is sufficient to cover current governance requirements of Yachting Victoria. The board feels that under the new governance model and to allow flexibility to address issues in various ways other than formal meetings, a minimum of 8 meetings would better serve both the board and the Victorian sailing community.
4. Copies of the Current Yachting Victoria Rules are available here https://www.sailing.org.au/vic/yvicrules/