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Winners are grinners with Maui Jim and OutThere Sailing

Published Tue 09 Mar 2021

To celebrate reaching the halfway mark of our 12 month long social post competition we showcase the winners thus far and remind everyone associated with OutThere Sailing to get a happy snap in for a chance to WIN over the coming 6 months before competition end.  

The call is out to all past and present participants, parents, instructors and club staff to get creative with your best #OutThereSailing social post for your chance to score a pair of Maui Jim sunglasses. Below are the lucky winners since launching our competition in October 2020.

October & November 2020:


December 2020:

January 2021:

February 2021:

March – TBC… it COULD BE YOU!

Simply post an original photo of or related to OutThere Sailing tagging in @OutThereSailing Facebook or @outthere_sailing Instagram and use the hashtag #OutThereSailing.

Each month the winning post will be published across the @OutThereSailing Facebook and @outthere_sailing Instagram pages; full terms & conditions of the competition can be found here.

Australian Sailing would like to thank our partner Maui Jim for making this competition possible and look forward to seeing and sharing the winning entries each month between now the final month of the competition being September 2021.  
