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Victorian Covid Update - 1st October 2021

Published Fri 01 Oct 2021

Below is a summary of changes in Victoria from the 11.59pm 28th September until further notice. 

  Metro Melbourne Regional Victoria
Leaving Home
  • Six reasons to leave home 
  • Curfew in place 
  • Outdoor interaction for 4hours 
  • 15km travel restriction in place 
  • No travel between Metro and regional Vic (Unless authorised) 
  • Face Masks must be worn Indoors and Outdoors
  • NO restrictions to leave home 
  • NO restrictions on travel (within regional Vic) 
  • Travel between Metro and regional Vic not permitted (unless authorised) 
  • Face Masks must be worn Indoors and Outdoors
  • Club Houses access – Not permitted. This includes toilets and changerooms 
  • Training courses- Not permitted 
  • Club Racing- Not permitted
  • Coaching: Must be for exercise purposes. Max two people (plus the coach), or max of 5 people if everyone attending who is 18 years or older (and the trainer) has received both of their COVID-19 vaccinations
  • Equipment to be cleaned between uses
  • Recreational Sailing can occur. 
  • Club Houses access – Closed, toilets open, change rooms closed 
  • Club Racing- Not permitted

Training courses:

  • Limited to the number required to participate (one parent may stay to supervise)
  • Training should only be open to members of your club (no come and try programs) 
  • Must only use outdoor facilities (no indoor training allowed)
  • Coaching: Must be for exercise purposes. Max two people (plus the coach) or max of 4 people from one household if everyone attending who is 18 years or older (and the trainer) has received both of their COVID-19 vaccinations
  • Equipment to be cleaned between uses
  • Recreational Sailing can occur 20 people per outdoor facility Density Quotas of 4m2 (e.g. 20 people within your yard at once) *Caps do not apply if 50 metres distance can be maintained between groups outdoors 

Points of clarification

Metro Melbourne

Can I enter a shed or room to access equipment? 
I am expecting a positive answer to this question this afternoon.  I will circulate an update once received 

What is the difference between coaching and training? 
An FAQ can be found here that relates to coaching. It is clear from the FAQ that coaching must be used as a form of personal training.

The FAQ may change slightly in the next couple of days to reflect the change to restrictions (group sizes etc). 

Does permitted outdoor personal training include sport or exercise coaching?
Yes. Sport and exercise coaching is permitted as a form of personal training. Coaches are subject to the same restrictions as personal trainers.
Coaching must:

  • be for exercise purposes
  • adhere to class size caps relevant to personal trainers 
  • adhere to face mask wearing and physical distancing restrictions
  • adhere to cleaning requirements in relation to shared equipment.

Regional Victoria

Why are club houses closed if indoor sports can open?
Indoor sport and recreation facilities can open for exercises purposes with a capacity of 10 people. Toilets can be open, members are encourage to come prepared and change at home.  

If you have any questions, please contact Australian Sailing Victoria's Regional Manager - Meaghan Densley via

