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Published Mon 15 Jul 2019

Former Gwen 12 sailor, John Gratton notched up a couple of Gwen 12 State Championships in the 70’s and has done a stellar job researching, compiling, writing and publishing the history of The Gwen 12’s in SA. With contributions from Gwen sailors from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, this is sure to be a great read and photographic history. The book is available for cash purchase on the day for $35.

The book launch and Gwen reunion will take place at the Brighton and Seacliff Yacht Club on Sunday 21 July at 2pm. Guest speaker will be former SA Gwen 12 president, Jim Blake. B&SYC was a stronghold of the Gwen fleet in Adelaide. RSVP to: John Gratton / Peter Johnson: or Susan Teagle:

The National Gwen 12 was designed in 1943 by Melbourne boat builder, Charles Cunningham. It was a strict one-design class which spread rapidly throughout Australia with active associations formed in all states and territories. A fast, seaworthy yacht, the Gwen was a potent performer off the wind under spinnaker and trapeze. For several decades it was considered to be one of the world’s fastest 12-foot monohulls, once winning the 12-foot skiff interdominion. Many a Gwen sailor ventured into the senior classes of the skiffs, sharpies, fireballs and 505’s. Two former National champions of note were Ian Outhred (famed timber boat designer) and Mike Fletcher (former Olympic sailing coach) With the advent of new classes and other interests the Gwen lost its patronage and held her last National titles in 1990. A few years later the SA and NSW Gwen associations hung up their trapeze harnesses for the final time.
