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Tasmanian COVID-19 Safe Events and Activities

Published Wed 11 Nov 2020

The Tasmanian Government has launched A Framework for COVID-19 Safe Events and Activities in Tasmania to support event organisers to plan and hold larger-scale COVID-19 safe events from 1 December 2020.
Sailing Clubs must have a Covid19 Return to Sport Plan currently in action, please review your club’s Covid19 Return to Sport Plan to cater for Level One events from 1st December onwards. Events in Levels Two & Three will require a separate Events Covid19 Safety Plan, and for that plan to be submitted to Business Tasmania. Please refer to the levels below. 

How to apply to hold an event at each Level

Level 1 Requirements:

Level 1 Event Description:

  • Free moving indoor events can have up to 250 people
  • Free moving outdoor events can have up to 1 000 people
  • Seated indoor events can occupy up to 50% of seated capacity with a maximum of 500 people (including patrons, staff and performers)
  • Seated outdoor events can occupy up to 50% of seated capacity with a maximum of 2 000 people (including patrons, staff and performers)
  • Events with multiple separate areas or sites can have up to 2 000 people in total

Level 2 Requirements:

Level 2 Event Description:

  • Free moving indoor events can have up to 500 people
  • Free moving outdoor events can have up to 2 000 people
  • Seated indoor events can occupy up to 50% of seated capacity with a maximum of 1 000 people (including patrons, staff and performers)
  • Seated outdoor events can occupy up to 50% of seated capacity with a maximum of 5 000 people (including patrons, staff and performers)
  • Events with multiple separate areas or sites can have up to 5 000 people in total

Level 3 Requirements:

Level 3 Event Description:

  • Free moving indoor events can have up to 1 000 people
  • Free moving outdoor events can have up to 5 000 people
  • Seated indoor events can occupy up to 50% of seated capacity with a maximum of 2 000 people (including patrons, staff and performers)
  • Seated outdoor events can occupy up to 50% of seated capacity with a maximum of 10 000 people (including patrons, staff and performers)
  • Events with multiple separate areas or sites can have up to 10 000 people in total
  • Consideration may be given to allowing one event to be held across multiple sites, each with up to 10 000 people, where the Events COVID-19 Safety Plan demonstrates that the event has been designed to minimise the risk of mixing of people between the physically distinct sites.

Importantly, events under all three levels of the Framework must still comply with existing density and physical distancing requirements (1.5 metres where practicable).

All events will also need to have an Events COVID-19 Safety Plan and organisers must show how they will meet the current COVID-19 safety requirements and restrictions.

Event patrons also have a responsibility to follow COVID-safe behaviours so we can keep on top of COVID to keep enjoying the events we love!

For further details please refer to the AS Covid19 Information Hub or contact