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Preparing to deliver great programs

Published Mon 17 Oct 2022

With most clubs officially opening for the summer sailing season, now is the time to finalise preparing your programs to deliver great experiences on the water! 

Delivering specific club training to your instructors, coaches & program volunteers as part of these final preparations is key. It is also timely to communicate with participants and their stakeholders (parents/carers) about your club and what they can expect so everyone can enjoy their summer on the water.  

Australian Sailing has developed a host of resources specifically for clubs to assist in finalising all key areas of preparation which can all be found on the Participation hub webpage.  

Right now, just ahead of delivering your programs it is the time to; 

Plus use the available templates and have communications ready to provide to participants and/or their stakeholders: 

For further information to assist your club with preparation please see the host of articles on the participation news feed via this link
