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Power Yacht Time Trialling in Perth

Published Thu 03 Jun 2021

Power Yacht Opening Days means Time Trialling on the Swan River in West Australia. Bright crisp windless afternoons are the usual Autumn & Winter weather in Perth. Conditions perfect for the sport of Power Yacht Time Trialling, a century old competition between rival riverside yacht clubs, Royal Perth, Royal Freshwater Bay, Claremont, South of Perth, Swan and Flying Squadron Yacht Clubs.

The courses are measured and timed between fixed markers and spit posts on the vast expanse of the Swan River we know as Melville Water, from the Swan Brewery under Kings Park to Point Walter Spit. Courses have 10- 20 “checkpoints” over a 10-20 nautical mile course.

The aim of the 2-person team is for Skippers to have the boat pass the spit post at a specific second, calculated from their individual start time and nominated speed, timed and called by the crew or Navigator, calculated from their individual start time. It is not a race or reward for fastest...rather the skill is required by the skipper to guide any powered vessel including, masted yacht with auxiliary power and even tinnies, around that week’s course.

Skippers benefit from knowing the river course to avoid sand banks, know slow zones, effects of tides, boat wash, while giving way to all sailing fleets, Rottnest ferries and avoiding recreational craft, wind surfers and junior training fleets all the while avoiding penalties for changing speed to cross the mark on time.

All Clubs involved with time trialling benefit from a strong active power yacht section. Let’s face it power boat ownership has exceeded sail boat over the past decade, no better example than in WA. All power yachts penned at affiliated yacht clubs provide substantial support to Australian Sailing through affiliation fees.

The Cruising and Power Yacht Committee of WA is a subcommittee of Yachting Western Australia.

Although the calm expanse of water of the Swan River provides ideal conditions, trials are held on inland waterways of the Peel inlet by Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club further south the coast. Ocean and offshore events have been held between Perth and Rockingham. Time Trial could be adopted by almost any yacht club to encourage participation.

More details: please contact

Story credit: Amanda Watson
