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General Manager - Western Australia Monthly Update February 2023

Published Thu 09 Feb 2023

Please click this link to find a copy of all past WA General Managers Updates. 


Warran Jones Regatta – Final Results 

2023 WARREN JONES REGATTA CHAMPIONS: Congratulations to Ethan PRIETO-LOW & his team from Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club for taking out the 2023 Warren Jones Regatta. 


1ST PLACE: Ethan Prieto-Low - RFBYC with crew Adam Brenz-Verca, George Boulden, Louis Schofield & Raff Torre 

2ND PLACE: Nick Egnot-Johnson -  Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (RNZYS) with crew Alastair Gifford, Andre Van Dam, Harry Hall & Kai Coleman  

3RD PLACE: Tom Grimes - Cruising Yacht Club Of Australia with crew George Richardson, Jess Grimes, Nick Rozenaurs, Pia Hooper & Simon Hoffman. 

4th Place: Alistair READ - Vaikobi Racing (RPAYC

5th Place: Max PAUL (RSYS

6th Place: Marcello TORRE - Gage Roads Sailing Team (RFBYC

7th Place: Braedyn DENNEY - Tu Kaha Racing (RNZYS

8th Place: Lucy ALDERSON - Akamai Race Team (RFBYC

9th Place: Antun JANEKOVIC (RPYC


2023 Club Survey 

Australian Sailing has just released our 2023 Club Survey. This is your club’s opportunity to provide feedback on your use of Australian Sailing’s programs, services, and support. We request only one response from each club so please ensure you consult with your club committee and respond accordingly. 

The survey has 11 questions and should take no more than 15-20 minutes to complete. Individual responses to the survey will remain confidential. 

The survey will be open until 5pm AEST SUNDAY 2nd APRIL. 

Action Item/s for Club:

  • Please complete the survey


Save the Date! WA Sailing Summit 13th May 2023 

The Western Australian Sailing Summit is planned for 13th May 2023. Representatives of all WA clubs, associations and interested participants and welcome to attend at Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club from 9am onwards. Our 2023 Instructors Conference will be the following day, Sunday 14th May 2023. More news on this will be coming soon! 


DLGSC (Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural) Risk Management Workshops  

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) is pleased to announce the delivery of the Risk Management Workshop Series, targeting state sporting associations, peak bodies and recreation sport or recreation clubs or associations. 

Delivered by DLGSC through Riskwest, these workshops will provide participants with a theoretical and practical understanding of the frameworks, principles and processes which translate into effective Risk Management at an advanced level.  

Please identify and encourage representatives from your organisation to submit an expression of interest (EOI) for the workshops.  


Risk Management Workshop Series – Regional (online) 

This is for small to medium sized regional associations and/or club, peak bodes and recreation organisations. To be considered for a place, you must be available for both online sessions:  

Workshop 1: 22 February 2023, 6pm-8pm 

Workshop 2: 1 March 2023, 6pm-8pm   

Please submit your EOI for the workshops HERE by 5pm Friday 11 February 2023j 

Please click HERE for full course details.  


Risk Management Workshop Series – Metro (in-person)

This is for small to medium sized state sporting associations, peak bodies, and recreation organisations. To be considered for a place, you must be available for both in-person sessions:  

Workshop 1: 23 February 2023, 6pm-8pm 

Workshop 2: 2 March 2023, 6pm-8pm   

Please submit your EOI for the workshops HERE by 5pm Friday 10 February 2023. 

You will be notified of the outcome by Wednesday 8 February 2023.  

Please click HERE for full course details.  


For all enquiries, please contact Elise Stallard, Project Support Officer at DLGSC on 9492 9894 or email  


2023 Instructor and Coach Course Update  

Due to popular demand, we have now added two new Assistant Dinghy Instructor course dates to the schedule: 

Saturday 11 March at RPYC  

Saturday 13 May at venue TBC  

Please view the full schedule of courses HERE 


CBH Group Grass Roots Community Grants Program - Grant Opportunity for Regional Clubs

Please be aware of the opportunity to make you aware of the CBH Group Grass Roots Community Grants Program for Community Related Events, and Small-Scale Infrastructure projects. 

Applications for their current funding window is open now and closes February 28th, 2023.…  

See more HERE 


More Discover Sailing Days! 

The aim of the programme is to promote SunSmart behaviours amongst sailors and the sailing community. Any affiliated club that is hosting a Discover Sailing Day can apply for the grant of $1000. Australian Sailing WA provides SunSmart branded merchandise for the Club to use and hand out to volunteers and participants. After the day, pictures are posted to social media to help drive the SunSmart message and hopefully get more people sailing on the water! 

Your local Club Support Officer will assist you with any questions you may have. 

  • See HERE for information and guidelines.  


Sport & Recreation Events Funding Program to reopen 30th January 2023 

Funding to secure and deliver mass participation sporting events across the State running between June and December 2023. 

Sporting agencies of all sizes - from national leagues to community organisations - are invited to apply for the Sport and Recreation Events Funding Program. 

Hosting a robust and diverse variety of sporting events will support the WA economy, drive tourism, and allow fans of all codes to watch and take part in their favourite sports. 

Grants of varying sizes, up to $50,000, are available for successful applicants. Next round opens 4:00pm 30th January 2023 

See HERE for funding criteria and guidelines 


Any questions on the above topics please contact the General Manager - WA, Lawson Dixon at 

You can find a fill list of Australian Sailing Contacts – here. 
