EOI For Community Boating Facility at Harpley Lake
The Opportunity
Wyndham City Council with the support of Lendlease Communities (“Lendlease”) are seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from interested parties to form a partnership and collectively shape the feasibility/concept planning, design, construction, and operation of a future Community Boating Facility which caters for water-based recreation and community activities, such as rowing, canoeing, dragon boating, sailing and other water-craft activities.
Lendlease, as part of its ongoing development of the Harpley Community in Werribee, are currently constructing a regionally significant waterbody (Lake) immediately to the northeast of the Harpley Town Centre. The proposed Community Boating Facility will support the activation of the Lake for a diverse range of water-based recreation pursuits. It is anticipated that the facilities will include water-craft storage, toilet and change amenities and flexible space that could be used for community, club and/or commercial activities.
Lake Specification
The Lake is a designated site for water-based recreation activity and incorporates the
following key features:
- 400m in length with 4 x 13.5m lanes with a 50m run off at either end
- Lake Depth of 1.8m
- Pedestrian gangway ramp - 5 metres clear width (excluding internal handrail) x 8 metres long with slip-resistant minimesh FRP walking surface (4kPa).
- Composite Waler System Pontoon 5.28m wide x 19.9m long.
- Bike path running adjacent to the water body/rowing course to enable coaching.
- Various viewing areas.
- Large open grass area adjacent rowing pontoon to enable launching from bank
Expressions of Interest submissions should outline the following:
- A brief overview of your organisation, its purpose(s), and its capacity to deliver on the commitments outlined in the EOI submission.
- An outline of the specific design requirements a facility of this nature would contain to adequately service your organisation, including example concept designs (if available) and/or nomination of existing sites on which future provision could be based.
- An outline of service provision to be delivered from the site by your organisation, including the intended frequency of use of the facility. e.g., days and hours of access and operations.
- An outline of any additional benefits that your organisation will deliver to the Wyndham Community and Melbourne’s West.
- An outline of desired occupancy requirements (freehold, leasehold, licence, etc.).
- An outline of the proposed financial contribution (if any) that your organisation will make to support the design, construction, and ongoing operation of the facility.
- Any other matters deemed relevant to support the submission
Expressions of Interest must be submitted to harpleylakeboathouse@wyndham.vic.gov.au by no later than 5pm on Friday 31st March 2023.