Australian Sailing Number finder

Check my Australian Sailing Number

Enter your details in the fields provided to check the status of your Australian Sailing Number.

If your Australian Sailing Number is listed as Active, your registration is up to date. You may log in to view your profile here.

If your Australian Sailing Number is listed as Inactive, you need to follow up with your Sailing club. It is the responsibility of your club to ensure your details are up to date in the Australian Sailing database.

I have paid my club membership but my details are not showing.

If you cannot find an Australian Sailing Number via this facility please contact your Club.

Don’t have an Australian Sailing Number?

If you need an Australian Sailing Number, please register with an affiliated Sailing Club. Use the Club Finder to find an affiliated club near you

Event Organisers

Event organisers can use this facility to check if event entrants have an active Australian Sailing Number and are eligible to participate in on-water events.

World Sailing ID

If you are trying to find details about a World Sailing Number/ID, please click here.


Want to know more? Click here for more information about your Australian Sailing Number