Flying Fifteen | South Africa



Published Sat 25 Nov 2023

South African Flying Fifteen Association




for the 31 March 2023 financial year end



1.            Present

The following Ordinary (Boat-Owning) Members were present in person* or represented by proxy~ 

1.1.              Jeremy Kriek* (President)

1.2.             Patrick Harris* (Association’s Representative on the council of Flying Fifteen International)

1.3.              Myles White* (Treasurer);

1.4.              Paul Changuion* (Website and publicity)

1.5.              Neil & Linda Wadsworth (Social)~

1.6.              Campbell Alexander* (Secretary)

1.7.              Greg Hurter* 

1.8.              Rudy McNeill~

1.9.              Dominic Collett~

1.10.          Craig Deverson~

1.11.          Tim Duguid*

1.12.          Dave Herridge*

1.13.          Simon Musgrove~

1.14.          Craig Campbell*

1.15.          Anthony McMillan~

1.16.          Mike Wright~

The following Associate Members were present or represented by proxy:

1.17.          Ralph Thomas*

1.18.          Debra & Torben Herridge*

1.19.          Marco Collett~

1.20.          Estelle Buys*

1.21.          Aaron Ward~

2.            Quorum

The chairman recorded that a quorum (40% of voting members present in person or by proxy) was present in person or by proxy 

3.            Notice of meeting

Notice of meeting was sent electronically on 17 November 2023. It was proposed by Campbell Alexander, seconded by Myles White, that the notice of the meeting was taken as read and timeously given. 

4.            Confirmation of minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 17 December 2022 had been circulated electronically before the meeting and taken as being a true record of the proceedings:

                     Proposed: Ralph Thomas

                     Seconded: Jeremy Kriek

and unanimously approved by the meeting.

5.            President’s Report

The President, Jeremy Kriek, welcomed those attending and reported on the year’s activities:

·          He discussed building a ramp for the purposes of launching boats off the slipway and avoiding wading into unsavoury water.

·          He was pleased to report that Foxxoff had been refurbished by Paul and Tim and Myles White’s blue boat was showing a turn of speed which it did not have previously. 

·          The Nationals attracted top South African sailors including Rudy McNeill (multiple Laser National champion) with Aaron Ward (top Youth sailor) and 5 ex-FF National champions .

·          The South African fleets are still based mainly in three venues being Royal Natal Yacht Club, Point Yacht Club and Henley Midmar Yacht Club at Midmar with Pierre van Rensberg of DAC, Vaal Dam growing his fleet of three boats and a boat at  Richards Bay. 

·          Campbell Alexander and Ralph Thomas sailed the Australian World Championships off Perth during March and finished 24th in the Worlds.

·          Three new road trailers have been built so as to encourage the boats moving between the Durban Bay clubs and the HMYC Club at Midmar.  

6.            Treasurer’s Report

The annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2022 would be circulated after the meeting. 

Myles White confirmed that there is R39 016 in the bank.

The members gave a vote of thanks to Dave Herridge for sponsoring fuel and Myles for running the finances of the association.

Myles White raised the issue of SARS returns and the necessity to be registered a Not For Profit company.  The president and treasurer would sort out the SARS issue.

7.           Annual Subscriptions

The annual subscriptions for the financial year 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 would increase from R420 to R450 for ordinary members and would increase from R175 to R200 for associate members.  

8.            International Councillor’s Report

The International Councillor, Patrick Harris, confirmed that the rule changes following the 2021 ballot came into effect on 1 March 2022 including procedural rule changes to the frequency of changes, clarification of sail endorsements, the spinnaker pole length, reduction in hull weight from 138kg to 133kg, allowing three windows in mainsails, a freer sail registration process and changes that allow alterations to the radio and anchor prohibitions. 

9.           National Measurer’s Report

There was nothing to report.

10.        Election of Office Bearers

The following office bearers were elected unopposed:

10.1.          President:                                    Jeremy Kriek

10.2.          International Councillor:                Patrick Harris

10.3.          Secretary:                                    Campbell Alexander

10.4.          Treasurer:                                     Myles White

10.5.          Publicity and website:                   Paul Changuion

10.6.                                                                                                                   National Measurer:  Michael Surgeson & Rob Samways

10.7.                                                                                                                     Social:      No appointment (to be co-opted)

11.        Appointment of the Auditors

The members did not consider it necessary to appoint auditors.


12.       Election of Life Members:

 It was proposed that Hemraj Gokul be appointed as a life member.


13.        Sailing and Social Calendar

 The class dinner on 26 November 2023 was a great success and well supported.

The suggestion was that the next National Championship be held at Midmar during October and the regionals at a date to be determined by the Committee. 

14.        Website and Revsport System

Paul Changuion agreed to pick up on the website and set up the system so that notices of events and the AGM are automated on the RevSport site managed by SAS.

15.        General

It was suggested that the committee arrange for T Shirts because it is a long time since SAFFA have had Flying Fifteen T Shirts printed.

Myles White suggested that in the next season we should reintroduce match racing.  It was also suggested that a team of Flying Fifteen boats attend the Round-the-Island race on the Vaal Dam which is the most popular SA event.

      The meeting opened at 18h00 closed at 18h30 in time for the class dinner.

Confirmed at the 2024 Annual General Meeting on this  day of            2024

