Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

If you were only a member at Ryde Athletics last season, or you are brand new to Athletics, please select "NEW MEMBER" during registrations. This is due to a change in the platform used for registrations. 

Please only select "RETURNING MEMBER" during registrations if your athlete was Dual Registered with ANSW last season (i.e. those previously registered for Treloar Shield, NSW Juniors, Seniors Relays, Nationals). 


You may add on uniform orders to your registration. To view uniform options prior to registering please click here:
(Note: to have it included in your registration order, it needs to be clicked as an "add-on", and not purchased directly through the shop)


Day: Saturday
Time: 8am
Age Groups: Tiny Tots (4 year olds), 6s-17s, U20s, Social Athletics, Seniors Athletics
Location: Dunbar Park
Track: Grass