Girls to the Front Coaching Weekend


Fri 17:30 to 19:30, Sat 09:00 to 17:00, Sun 09:00 to 17:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

RYCT announces Girls to the Front, a girls-only coaching weekend for sailors aged 11 to 17 led by head coach Australian Sailing Team ILCA 6 Olympian and current Australian Champion Mara Stransky. 

Mara will be supported by Australian Sailing Squad member and ILCA Futures Sailors coach RYCT’s Amelia Catt. 

Starting with a meet the coach session on Friday evening, 17 February, the program will consist of a full day coaching on Saturday 18 February and a coaching morning on Sunday 19 February, followed by coached racing on Sunday afternoon. 

Supported by Cunic Homes, this is a major SheSails initiative that RYCT believes is essential to continue the development of young female sailors. 

RYCT canteen will be in operation for lunch.

Sailors from all classes are invited.

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