The RAC Championships, the last competition days for the RAC season, will be held during August. Please take careful note of dates, times, age groups and venues listed below.
Friday 9th, Freds Pass Reserve: Tiny Tots 5.00-5.30pm, followed by RAC 3000m Championship at 5.30pm for U14+.
Saturday 10th AM, Arafura Stadium, Marrara: 9 years - Masters, events from 10.00am
Saturday 10th PM, Arafura Stadium, Marrara: 6-8 years 1.00-4.00pm, ANT Challenge event - long jump and shot put will be the RAC Championship events.
Saturday 17th, Freds Pass Reserve: Tiny Tots 8.30-9.00am, 6 years+ events from 8.30am.
Wednesday 21st, Freds Pass Reserve: 8 years+ Race Walks 5.30pm (ie. after warm up)
Saturday 24th, Freds Pass Reserve: Tiny Tots 8.30-9.00am, 6 years+ events from 8.30am.
Final day of the season for Tiny Tots and 6-8 years will be 24 August. Training will continue for members 9 years+ through to the end of November.