Cyber Security Presentation

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Cyber Risk is everyone's problem.  Join Tim Barrett, Operations Manager for Emergence Insurance who has over 6 years within the Cyber Insurance space. Tim will be presenting on Cyber Insurance and the current Cyber Threat Landscape while illustrating the impacts it is having  on Businesses and individuals across Australia. 

  • Overview of Who Emergence Insurance are including an overview of our Cyber Insurance product
  • Overview of the current Cyber Threat Landscape – how often cyber crime is occurring and the expected losses as a result of cyber crimes
  • Overview of regulatory requirements – specifically the Notifiable Data Breach Scheme
  • A Ransomware Example will be provided – including a copy of the Ransom note and Ransom payment demand
  • Brief explanation of some cyber events that trigger the cyber policy
  • A Business Email Compromise claims example will be provided
  • Lastly, some helpful tips that are no cost or low costs to assist Businesses to increase their cyber security posture.