Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to have been/be a rower or part of a club or school to become an official?

Ideally you are affiliated with a club or school rowing program but you do not need any experience in the sport of Rowing. It is, however, helpful and advantageous to know the basics of the sport as this will assist in your general knowledge in progression through course material. 

Is the theory test hard and does it require a lot of time?

No, the theory test examines basic judging, marshalling, umpiring and control commission components. The test should not take long as it is multiple choice and can be completed in your own time.  

How often do you officiate?

Officiating occurs within the regatta season. You can choose which regattas you can officiate at and therefore can be a flexible volunteer role. 

Do you get to choose which regattas you can officiate at?

Yes, all BRO's are able to nominate themselves to any regatta on the Rowing Queensland Regatta Calendar. This can be done through your personal Rowing Manager profile. 

Where do I start?

If becoming a BRO is of interest to you, get in touch with us at