2023 Captain Power Sailing Regatta


Sun 12 Mar 2023 12:00 — 15:30

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

All RPYC Members are invited to participate in a friendly and inclusive on-water competition amongst our Power and Keelboat Members!

Hosted by Captain Power, we seek nominations for teams of four people to sail the 6x RPYC Elliott-7 yachts in a short-course, jib & main racing regatta in Matilda Bay on Sunday, 12th March from 12:30pm. 

Your team should be made up of a Skipper, an active Sailing Member, an active Powerboat Member, and a person who does not participate in regular sailing activities.  At least one of your crew should be an experienced sailor who is confident handling an Elliott or similar sports yacht.    

Please nominate the names of your crew in the spaces provided.  

Don't have a full team? No problem!  If you are keen to participate but don't have a team, you can still register!  Just provide your NAME (against the appropriate level of experience, ie, Skipper, Active Sailor, Active Powerboater; or Infrequent sailor), PHONE NUMBER, AND EMAIL ADDRESS on the Nomination Form and we can allocate you to a team.    

Register NOW if you are keen as this is guaranteed to be popular and FUN!!

PLUS, you could be the first RPYC Members to have your names immortalised on the Captain Power Sailing Regatta trophy - the red rudder (from yacht BOOM) which is on display in the RPYC Boating Operations Officer foyer!

If you need any more information, please call the Boating Operations team on 9389 1555!