Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started


If you are crewing in a race at the Edwards, you can register for SailPASS to receive an Australian Sailing number and Personal Injury Insurance from Australian Sailing.  RPEYC is offering SailPASS at nil cost to sail on a RPEYC member's boat.

STEP ONE: Check if you already have an AS Number by searching here: Australian Sailing Number

STEP TWO: If you are registering for a SailPASS for the first time and don’t have an Australian Sailing number, scroll to the bottom and click on New Member

OR:  If you have an AS number or you have previously registered for a SailPASS and would like to add additional dates or renew your SailPass, scroll to the bottom and click on Returning Member.

Details of insurance cover from Australian Sailing are online: Australian Sailing Member Insurance