2024 Australian Masters Rowing Championships Lightweight Survey


Wed 08 May 2024 00:00 — Sat 11 May 2024 20:00

Event information

This event has passed.


Currently lightweight competitors do not qualify for the “Champion of Champions” event held on the last session of the Regatta.

Adding Lightweight rowers to this event is not practical, as the event is usually fully, or over-subscribed.

A separate (handicapped) event for L/W men and women would be possible, but is not optimal for the Commission’s objective of growing participation, particularly Club participation.

Instead, we propose an alternative to build on the Commission’s objective of promoting Club crews, while building entry numbers for Lightweight and mixed rowing.


Proposed New Event: Champion of Champions Mixed Lightweight Double Scull.

The event is open to the winners of any Division of the Lightweight Single Scull at the AMC Regatta. Any combination of age is allowable. Handicaps will be based on the average age of the rowers, and will be the Handicap published for Mixed double sculls.

If the crew are from the same Club, the Club will be awarded triple points towards the Club Point Score Championship for their relevant place in the race.


Alternate New Event: Champion of Champions Single Scull

Conducted as per the open-weight event where winners of the LW event would nominate to race if they wish, and If we have more entries than lanes available, the scullers selected are drawn at random.

This event would be run immediately before or after the open-weight event on the last day of racing


We are interested in your feedback on this.. if you can take 2 minutes to answer the poll attached that would be great

(and then add a poll of adding a mixed 2x or a 1x)