Dinghy RAID - 24th January 2024


Wed 24 Jan 2024 09:00 — 17:00
Australian Sailing - Other Course

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.

This Dinghy RAID will be held on Wednesday 24th January 2024: 9am - 5pm  and is suitable for participants who want to practice their dinghy skills and have a lot of FUN.

A minimum of 4 boats is required and a maximum of 6 boats will be accepted

Course Inclusions

  • 8hrs tuition with Australian Sailing qualified Instructor. + 1 qualified assistant
  • Sailing dinghies and lifejackets.
  • Safety boat

More Information

 Dinghy RAID course is designed to provide a safe and enjoyable cruise to Dinghy sailors that already known how to sail. We don't ask for performance but for safety control of the boat.

Minimum requirement are:

  • Driver is able to manage tack and gybe on short distance.
  • Team is able to sail on all points of sail.
  • Team is able to recover from a capsize.

 It includes an introduction to fundamental boat handling skills and essential safety knowledge. 

Family and friends can enjoy to share a beautiful fun day in a safe environment.

4 people max per boat: 2 adults + 2 kids, 3 adults max, 2 adults minimum

Program includes:

  • Breifing about navigation of the day: looking the weather forecast we will decide our destination in the morning. With the instructor, you'll decide a first navigation plan and a plan B in case of weather changes. 
  • Preparation of the boat
  • Induction to the specificity of the dinghy and launch from a beach
  • Our safety boat will be with you during all the RAID: we'll bring spare parts, first aid kit, extra water, dry container for food, drinks and so on...
  • Lunch will be on a beach with a break about 1h30, weather permitted
  • Snack and drink will be available during the sailing time also
  • Bring your own drinks, snack and lunch, we will stock them in dry container.
  • Bring your cap, glasses, sunscreen, drysuite or sailing gear

Course Cost: $150 per person


*Please note that a payment gateway fee of 2% + $1.60 applies.

COVIDSafe Plans

Head to our COVID-19 Information page for the most up to date information on how we’re changing the way we operate, and what we need from you to help us operate safely. These COVIDSafe plans will be updated in line with current government restrictions so check back before your session.

More Information

Click here for what to bring


Note: This is not an Australian Sailing accredited course and instead is conducted by the school/club/organisation, outside of the Australian Sailing framework.