
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

Welcome to 2025!!


If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact your clubs membership coordinator.

PLEASE NOTE: You will be required to pay at a minimum the national and state registration fee at the conclusion of the registration process. 


  • Click the REGISTER link at the bottom of the page and complete the registration form.


These instructions are ONLY for members who registered through RevSport in previous Hockey Seasons. If you have not registered on RevSPORT prior to 2019, you will be required to complete a NEW PLAYER REGISTRATION.

  • Click the RETURNING MEMBER link.
  • Enter your National Member ID (renewal can be completed without your ID) First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth.
  • You will then receive an email to the contact email address under your account. Locate this email and follow the RENEW MEMBERSHIP link.
  • Select your Registration type and progress with your renewal.
  • Ensure all details are updated or correct. Be sure to tick all necessary check boxes.
  • Complete the payment details as outlined in the form. This will only be processed as the club's registration charge as long as you have already paid your HSA registration.
  • Congratulations! You are now registered for the 2025 season.


These instructions are ONLY for members who have ALREADY registered with their PRIMARY SA Club, but will also play with a Club in a secondary Association.

1. Members will start their renewal into a new club via their website

2. Members will then be emailed the validation link to confirm their email and continue with their renewal

3. The system will flag with the member that this club is different to the one they were in last season and they will need to request a clearance

4. When the member requests the clearance, an unapproved clearance will be lodged in the account of all parties who will then need to approve the member joining a new club

5. The member's renewal will be effectively paused whilst approval is given but they can track the clearance’s progress

6. Once all parties approve the clearance, an email is sent to the member so they can finalise their renewal

All Dual Registrations will be approved through the system up until 12 pm the Friday preceding any competition. 


  • Congratulations! You are now dual registered for the 2025 season.


2025 Fees

Below is a table that provides an overview of the individual fees for all South Australian Hockey Participants, inclusive of GST, Hockey Australia Insurance Levy and revSPORT Transaction Fees.

Full-Field/Traditional Hockey
(age as of 31st December 2025) 
HSA        HA Player Levy collected
directly by HA 
Total 2025 Fees       
Senior Player (19+)  $96.50 $68.79 $165.29      
Junior Player 
(18 yrs and under) 
$42.00  $56.81 $98.81      
Junior Player 5 Game Membership (18 Yrs and Under) $16.00 $30.75 $46.75      
Senior player 5 Game Membership (19+) $37.00 $35.74 $72.74      
Junior Program Fee (HI2H)            


*The Sports Vouchers program is a Government of South Australia initiative administered by the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing. The program provides an opportunity for school aged children from Reception to Year 9 to receive up to 2 x $100 vouchers per child, per calendar year, discount on sports or dance/music membership/registration fees. You will be required to complete extra details during the registration process in order to be eligible for the sports voucher discount. For more information CLICK HERE.
