Tackers Level 2 - Spring Holiday


Tue 01 Oct 2024 09:00 — Fri 04 Oct 2024 13:00
See all dates
Australian Sailing - 4. Tackers 2 - Tricks & Techniques

Course information

Registration for this course closes at Thu 26 Sep 2024 23:45.

Dates: Tuesday 1 Oct - Friday 4 Oct

Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm

Cost: $380 per person  ($357 + $23 Australian Sailing course fee)

RGYC Member Price: $340 per person ($317 + $23 Australian Sailing course fee)

Boat type: Optimist Dinghy

All courses are subject to minimum participation numbers and the RGYC Sailing Academy strictly abides by the Australian Sailing instructor/student ratios. Places are limited so we recommend registering early to avoid disappointment. 

The RGYC Sailing Academy will always provide a session regardless of the weather. These may be land-based activities if the weather isn't suitable for on-water activities. 

Having trouble registering? If you are new to sailing you will need to create an Australian Sailing Number as part of the registration process. Simply click "Sign Up" to create FREE Australian Sailing membership.

If you have any queries please contact the RGYC office on 03 5229 3705 or via sailingacademy@rgyc.com.au for any further information.

Course Overview
This course aims to build on the fun participants had in Tackers 1, to progress their sailing skills. 

Course Prerequisites

  • Water confident
  • 7-12 years-old
  • Skills, knowledge and experience gained in Tackers 1.

Who should do this course?

This course is designed for participants who have completed Tackers 1.

Course Outcome

By the end of the Tackers 2 course, the participants will be able to:

  • Get out of irons on their own
  • Safely gybe the boat
  • Correctly use the tiller extension
  • Sailing around a triangle course, including:
    • Upwind - on a close hauled course tacking through the 'no go zone'
    • Downwind - with centreboard up
    • Reaching - correct sail position
  • Demonstrate a 360 and 720-degree turn

You will gain your Tackers 2 completion certificate. 

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