RS21 Youth Squad


May 24th to September 1, 2024
Australian Sailing - Advanced Fleet Coaching Program

Course information

Registrations for this course are not currently available.

The RGYC Youth Squad is open to youth members, aged between 13 and 22, who can demonstrate existing dinghy or keelboat sailing skills and experienced in fleet racing.

The RGYC Youth Squad will run from May to August 2024. The program will be delivered in two key training blocks, beginning with keelboat and RS21 fundamentals in May, with a focused approach to match and teams racing in July and August. Delivered by Australian Sailing Coaches, the aim of this squad is to provide youth sailors with new and exciting avenues to explore in their sailing, and with the opportunity to gain selection to represent RGYC at youth regattas in the future.

For more information, see the program outline available on the RGYC website.

Course Fees

RS21 Fundementals (May): $200

Full Program (May 24th to September 1st): $600

PROPOSED SCHEDULED (subject to change)

T = Theory sessions
P = Practical sessions

T = Theory sessions       P = Practical sessions






Friday 24th May 2024

18:00 – 19:30


T: Introduction to Youth Squad, Code of Conduct and Operating Principles

RGYC Clubhouse + Microsoft Teams




Saturday 25th May 2024

09:00 – 13:00

T: RS21 essentials

P: Essential skills; rigging, docking, teamwork, boat handling

T: Boat handling and communication

P: RS21 boat handling & pack down procedures.



Sunday 26th May 2024

10:00 – 16:00

T: Asymmetric fundamentals

P: Asymmetric spinnaker skills




Sunday 23rd June 2024

09:00 – 16:00

T: Teamwork & Communication

P: Teamwork & comms drills

T: Understanding positions & impact

P: Rotating positions



Friday 5th July 2024

18:00 – 19:30


T: Match Racing Rules Seminar


RGYC Clubhouse + Microsoft Teams


Saturday 6th July 2024

09:00 – 16:00

T: Match Racing basics; Starts

P: Start positioning & approach

T: Starting area boat handling

P: Starting drills & practice



Saturday 20th July 2024

09:00 – 16:00

T: Match Racing tactics

P: boat on boat drills

T: Match racing tactics cont.

P: Practice mini races



Saturday 17th August 2024

09:00 – 16:00

T: Advanced RS21 boat handling & tuning

P: boat handling drills

T: Application in racing scenarios

P: boat on boat practice




Saturday 31st August 2024

09:00 – 16:00

Youth Squad Regatta – Morning Session

Youth Squad Regatta – Afternoon session



Sunday 1st September 2024

09:00 – 16:00

Youth Squad Regatta – Morning Session

Youth Squad Regatta – Afternoon session



Subject to change prior to the first session.



Program Focus:

The Advanced Fleet Program is designed to enable participants to train to compete.

The coaching is regular, with extended personal commitment, plus commitment to club and class association racing or competition.

Files for download
2024 Winter Youth Squad

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