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International Dragon Australasian Championship 2025
Fri 03 Jan 2025 09:00 — Fri 10 Jan 2025 17:00
Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, Hobbs Place, Peppermint Grove WA 6011

Are you attending this event?

Basic details

Additional information


Max. 255 characters




Each Skipper is required to complete a Regatta Sail and Mast Registration and Declaration of Compliance form  (RSMRDOC see appendix A to Notice of Race) for their Vessel and Crew with respect to IDA Measurement Standards and Regulations, Sails and Crew Weight in the full knowledge that any incorrect statement or material error may result in disqualification from the Regatta.

Your Regatta Sail and Mast Registration form can be completed, scanned to your computer and uploaded using the box provided.

You may alternatively email this in to the Sailing Administrator at sailadmin@rfbyc.asn.au before 1500 hrs on Friday, 20 December 2024.

Max 5MB


An entry fee of $800.00 is payable to enter the event. Please direct your payment by bank transfer to:‐     

Name:  WA International Dragon Association 
Bank:   Westpac Banking Coorporation
Swift Code:  WPACAU25
BSB:    036 001    
Account: 129628    
Reference:   Your yacht name

An entry will not be considered valid until payment has been received.


Shirts for competitors featuring the regatta logo will be supplied to each competitor included in the entry fee.

Please see the sizing chart below before selecting your sizes.

Event Waiver

Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. 

RRS 3 states: ‘The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue to race is hers alone.’ By participating in this event each competitor agrees and acknowledges that sailing is a potentially dangerous activity with inherent risks.