R A P I D   C R E E K  T R A C K  C L U B




Rapid Creek Track Club was founded in 2023 by a group of mates, keen on their running and with goals of improving their times. We are a running club commited to building a community of motivated distance runners who want to run a little bit faster.


Rapid Creek Track Club is based in Darwin, Northern Territory. If you live in the Darwin area, enjoy your running and want to improve then join us.


When you become a member you'll receive:

  • The option to access Marrara Athletics Track at member pricing via NT Athletics. This is where we host weekly Tuesday morning (530am) and Thursday afternoon (6pm) track sessions
  • Weekly Saturday social and Sunday long runs from Rapid Creek Bridge 
  • Free entry to our track meets, ranging from 1500m to 5000m
  • 10% discount with Elite Physio 
  • 5% off storewide and 10% off running shoes at Intersport
  • Eligibility to race at NT championships and to represent the NT at national competitions
  • Access to accredited Athletics Australia coaches



We are NOT a high performance running group, anyone who is over 18 years old and motivated to run faster is welcome.

Follow us on our socials (links on the page) or email us at rapidcreektrackclub@gmail.com for more information.

Prospective members are also encouraged to join us on a Sunday to meet the gang to get a feel of what we are about.








Hopefully see you down the track soon!


Rapid Creek Track Club


There are no upcoming events.


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