Australian National Squad
Australian National Squad
The Australian National Squad is an elite training squad of 45 players, chosen from the best of the best from around the country. These players attend regular training camps throughout the year, learning and growing as players, and are the pool of players from which the Dropbears and the Auroras are selected from in the lead up to any international event (such as the IQA World Cup or the Quadball Nations Cup).
Purpose of the ANS
The ANS was formed to allow for an elite group of players from around the country to be able to attend regular training camps to increase their skills and knowledge to ensure that Australia continues to maintain it’s status as one of the leading countries in the international quadball space.
It also allows for these players to take what they have learned at camps, and return to their home clubs and help train and grow the next generation of players to increase the quality of the sport at all levels.
How to Join
The ANS is a group of 45 players from around the country and positions only become available when one of those players leave the squad. When a position on the ANS becomes available, the coaching staff will choose from an active pool of interested players to fill that position. This pool of players will at times, at the coaches discretion, be invited to training camps in their State even if a position is not available, to not only keep training camps fresh for all players but to allow for the coaches to assess which players are most suited to fill any available positions.
To be part of the pool of interested players, individual players may express their interest with the form linked below or may be referred to the ANS coaches by a state coach who feels that player is ready to move into a position.
Current Australian National Squad
Aaron Sibel
Aisa Karalic
Alex Cunningham
Arabella Barr
Ashan Abey
Ava McConnell
Bianca Scalone
Brandon Frison
Brendan Briscoe-Hough
Caitlin Rapson
Cameron Walker
Caroline Crawford
Charlotte Wen
Chloe Kneebone
Chris Peak
Cooper Fitzgerald
Eloise Taylor
Giac Agbugba
Isobel Rennie
Hannah Walravens
Harrison Jones
Harry Huang
Jack Emerton-Bain
Jakob Sutherland
Joshua Lindley
Kelsey Collins
Kimberly Parry
Liz Schultz
Luke Derrick
Maddi Moulton
Madeleine Bell
Max Brenner
Nathan Morton
Nicki Redman
Nicola Gertler
Nicolai Jung
Olivia Coleman
Phil Vankerkoerle
Raj Kapoor
Rebecca Robb
Samantha Chittenden
Sarah King
Vicki Huynh
Zale Briscoe-Hough