SAF Individual Training Friday 24 July 2020 - 3.30pm - 5.00pm


Fri 24 Jul 2020 15:30 — 17:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.


  • The must be no intermingling between groups at the same facility before, during or after activity.
  • Athletes should arrive just on time and dressed ready to train, and should leave the venue as soon as possible after finishing activity – get in and get out.
  • Make sure athletes respect social distancing at all times, while 1.5m is the minimum, 2m to 3m is better when breathing heavily.
  • Avoid running in others’ slipstream or in groups.
  • No sharing water bottles.
  • Athletes to bring own towel. 
  • Athletes should bring their own equipment. If that is not possible there should be no sharing of equipment and athletes should collect their own implements.
  • No high fives, hugs or handshakes.
  • No use of the High Jump or Pole Vault mats 
  • Long & Triple Jump pits can be used if athletes land on and stay on their feet.
  • Avoid public facilities wherever possible.
  • Make sure you demonstrate good behaviour on social media (social distancing).
  • Make sure others around you are aware of abiding by these guidelines.

You must pay upon this booking @ $5 per visit. Prepaid QSAC cards are not valid at this time, however the expiry on these cards will be extended. 

Please book no more than 3 sessions a week. If you book more than 3, we will remove them.

Qld Athletics are facilitating booking for QSAC at this time during COVID-19 restrictions.

Privacy Notice: Qld Athletics and Stadiums Queensland are collecting this information for the purposes of the venue's COVID-19 Access Register and contact tracing. This information is for operational purposes and will only be provided to Queensland Health if the need arises. All private and personal information is managed in accordance with Stadium Queensland's Privacy Policy. Qld Athletics' Privacy Policy can be found here.