Registrations for this event are closed.
Athletes whose nominations have been approved for the Queensland Team to compete at the 2019 Australian All Schools Championships in Perth must now register via this portal. All approved nominations will appear on the team list. Only those who appear on the team list may register.
Athletes are not confirmed members of the team until they have completed this registration form.
Please ensure that you have booked your flights before completing this form.
Please note there is no fee for relays.
Team Registration Costs
The Team Levy for these championships is $640. This fee includes:
- Team Selection
- Team Administration Costs
- Team Management Services; Queensland Athletics will be providing an experienced management team of 18 managers to assist with athlete management throughout the championships
- Access to two physiotherapists
- Three Nights Accommodation
-Transfers from Airport to track and back
- All Meals
Event entry for these championships is $30 per event (*$30 per event additional charge for late entries).
The Team Levy for Para-Athletes who choose not to stay with the team is $150. This fee includes:
- Team Selection
- Team Administration Costs
- Team Management Services; Queensland Athletics will be providing an experienced management team of 20 managers to assist with athlete management throughout the championships
- Access to two physiotherapists
Accommodation and Travel Arrangments
All athletes selected in the Queensland Team to compete at the 2019 Australian All Schools Championships will be required to stay with the team and its management. Athletes will be responsible for booking their own flights to link up with team management at the Perth Airport. Accommodation is provided on 5th, 6th & 7th of December.
Athletes must book their own flights. Athletes must arrange to meet Team Management at Perth Airport on Thursday the 5th of December.
Queensland Athletics has booked flights for Team Management to and from Perth, where possible, please book on those flights.
If an athlete does not book on Team Management allocated flights to or from Perth, Queensland Athletics team management will meet you at Perth Airport upon your arrival and accompany you to Perth Airport on your departure.
A final timetable for the bus schedule to and from Perth Airport will be released once registrations have closed to coincide with athlete arrival and departure please only complete this form once you have booked your flights.
NB: If you would like to make payment via cash, cheque or direct deposit please contact the Queensland Athletics office.
Please provide all information as requested and ensure that the email address you provide is correct as the majority of correspondence for this team will be via email.
For further information, or for assistance with this nomination form, please email or contact the Queensland Athletics office on 07 3343 0900.