Level 1 Youth Coach Course


Sun 14 Jan 2024 08:00 — 16:00
Qld Sports & Athletics Centre, cnr Mains & Kessels Roads, Nathan Qld 4111

Event information

Registrations for this event are not currently available.

Target Athletes

The course has a focus on coaching athletes between 5-12 years of age and athletes new to the sport. The primary objective is to develop the fundamental movement skills and introduce athletics in a fun and inclusive format using a games-sense approach

FIT Model

This course gives coaches the required skills and knowledge to coach athletes in the following phases of the FIT Model of Development.

  • Fundamentals I
  • Fundamentals II


Course Content

  • The Pillars of Good Communication (Relationships, Instruction, Demonstration, Observation, Analysis, and Feedback)
  • Group Management
  • Coaching Junior Athletes
  • Inclusive Coaching using the TREE Principle
  • Warm Ups and Cool Downs
  • Resistance Training for Beginning Athletes
  • Coaching a Technical Model - Running and Bounding
  • Coaching a Technical Model - Stranding Horizontal Jump, Walking Horizontal Jump, Running Horizontal Jump, Combined Jump Series
  • Coaching a Technical Model - Standing Vertical Jump
  • Coaching a Technical Model - Underarm Throw, Overarm Throw, Push Pass, Sling Throw, Standing Put
  • Leading a Kids' Athletics Program
  • Session Planning
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding


Requirements to Gain Accreditation

  • Completion of a one-day face to face course or 5-session online course
  • Completion of the PBTR - Child Protection online module
  • Completion of post-course assessment task
  • Working with Children Check clearance
  • Completion of 30 hours practical coaching in a club, school, professional, or private setting.