Please note Registration MUST be paid immediately after student’s first three free Come’N’Try lesson. Fees must not fall in arrears as unfinancial students will not be eligible for trophies or awards. Once a student has paid their registration fee, written notice is required to be given to the coach if leaving the club, or weekly fees will continue to be charged. Any unpaid fees will be directed to a debt collector. I agree to remain financial and pay fees as they are due.
I, the undersigned, hereby approve of, and consent to the above application and in doing so, authorise the Para Vista Calisthenics School In to arrange for such medical assistance as required in the event of an accident. I understand that I will be notified at the earliest possible time. Should it be necessary for my child to have medical treatment, I give PVCS personnel permission to use their judgement in obtaining the best service that is required, and understand that any cost will be my responsibility.
I agree to abide by the Constitution Rules and By Laws of the Calisthenic Association of South Australia. I agree that the PVCS, and it’s servants, agents and officers will not be liable for any loss of property or damage to same, resulting from the applicant’s participation in any activity associated with Para Vista Calisthenics School. I agree to abide by all PVCS Guidelines regarding expectations of student and parent.
I give permission for my child’s photographs related to calisthenics to be used in promotional material for PVCS, club newsletters, club website, club Facebook and Instagram pages, and pamphlets. Unless specified, only first names will be used to identify students.