2024 ZeroTech Jinghi Valley Reckoning

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Fri 20 Sep 2024 12:00 — Sun 22 Sep 2024 18:00
Precision Rifle QLD, 261 Rifle Range Road, Jandowae QLD 4410

Basic details

Additional information

Select registrations

Select a Squad or General Entry Registration

General Match Registration
$330.00 ea
Squad 1
$330.00 ea
Squad 2
$330.00 ea
Squad 3
$330.00 ea
Squad 4
$330.00 ea

Match Merchandise

2024 ZeroTech Jinghi Valley Reckoning Hoodie
$90.00 ea
2024 ZeroTech Jinghi Valley Reckoning T-shirt
$45.00 ea
Stage officer

Please note

  • All prices are inclusive of GST.

Event Waiver

Precision Rifle Series Australia Participant Waiver and Release

I, hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this waiver for my participation in activities organized by Precision Rifle Series Australia (ABN 16 670 769 418). This document serves as a legally binding agreement between myself and Precision Rifle Series Australia.

  1. Firearms License and Offences:

    • I affirm that I have never been refused, prohibited, suspended, cancelled, or revoked from holding a firearms license or permit in any jurisdiction in Australia, both currently and historically.
    • I confirm that within the last 10 years, I have not been investigated or convicted for offences involving firearms or weapons, prohibited drugs, robbery, violence, terrorism, or any offence of a sexual nature in any jurisdiction in Australia.
  2. Family Law or Domestic Violence Order:

    • I declare that I have not been the subject of a family law or Domestic Violence Order, or an Apprehended Violence Order (other than an order which was revoked), within the last 10 years.
  3. Mental Illness or Disorder:

    • I assert that I am not suffering from any mental illness or disorder that may prevent me from using a firearm safely.
  4. Acknowledgment of Risk:

    • I acknowledge the inherent risk of personal injury in the activities that will be undertaken with PRS Australia, and I willingly accept that risk.
  5. Release and Indemnification:

    • I release and indemnify Precision Rifle Series Australia ABN 16 670 769 418, its employees, and service providers from and against all actions, suits, claims, demands, proceedings, losses, damages, compensation, costs, charges, and any expenses whatsoever arising directly or indirectly out of any personal injury and/or loss of any description whatsoever and howsoever caused, which I or my child/ward may suffer or sustain in the course of or consequent upon my or my child’s/ward’s participation in any club-related activity.
  6. Photograph/Image/Audio Recording:

    • I grant Precision Rifle Series Australia ABN 16 670 769 418 the right to use my photograph, image, audio recording, video recording, and likeness for the purposes of advertising, media publicity, publication, general display, including but not limited to publication on internet websites, broadcasts, and any other publications released by Precision Rifle Series Australia.
  7. Confirmation and Certification:

    • I have read the above waiver and release and, by signing it, agree. I intend to exempt and relieve those mentioned above from liability for personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death by any cause. I understand that it is a serious offence under the Firearms Act 1996 to make a statement or provide information that I know is false or misleading. I certify that all the information contained in this declaration is true and correct in every detail.
