We’re bringin’ y’all ‘A Taste As Big As Texas’ right here,
down-under and callin’ ourselves Lone Star Rib House, ‘cause that’s what we do best.

Not just any old ribs mind. Slow cooked Bar-B-Que Ribs. Cooked real, real, real slow. Texan style.
’Course we got a barn load a other stuff too. Like burgers.
At Lone Star Rib House we’re all ‘bout good ol’ fashioned service with a smile.
We like to call it ‘Texas Hospitality’ and that’s bound to put a little hitch in y’ giddy-up.
We’ve rounded up a big ol’ helpin’ of Texas. Topped it off with a delightful dose of mid-west congeniality. Added a healthy serving of honest-to-goodness down-to-earth Texan food and finished it all with a touch of whip-crackin’ fun and frivolity, to bring you an experience y’all be hollerin’ to come back for. Enjoy.

Our signature slow cooked ribs have been selected from Australia’s finest pastures to bring you the best Australian quality with an all-American feel. Slow cooked over 8 hours our signature ribs along with your choice of sauce will keep you coming back for more.

Howdy y’all!
We bet y’all heard of a truly unique state in the great country we call ‘The U.S. of A.’
Where things is done a lil’ bit different from ever’where else. Well, we ain’t from that place. We’re from a state that was once it’s own whole darn country!
A state where ever’thin’s BIGGER. A state that given the world more leaders, performers and showmen that any other.
A state that’s not like any other state neither.

The place where the only meat is beef. (even if it’s lamb or pork or chicken).
Where a coke is a coke (even if it’s a Fanta, a Sprite or a Pepsi).
Where all the men are cowboys (even if they was bought up on concrete and wear a suit).
And where a woman’s a woman (and don’t never try to tell her no different).
We’re bringin’ y’all ‘A Taste As Big As Texas’ right here, down-under and callin’ ourselves Lone Star Rib House,
‘cause that’s what we do best.

Not just any old ribs mind. Slow cooked Bar-B-Que Ribs. Cooked real, real, real slow. Texan style.
’Course we got a barn load a other stuff too. Like burgers.
The burger was originally fashioned by ‘Old Dave’ (Fletcher Davis) in Athens, Texas in the 1880s.
We think that’s so special we done gone put a tribute burger on the menu in his memorial.
We also got Chilli Sauce hot enough to use for welding, delicious salads for the rabbits among ya and a whole wagon-load more tasty vittles that’ll make y’all happier than hogs in mud.
At Lone Star Rib House we’re all ‘bout good ol’ fashioned service with a smile.
We like to call it ‘Texas Hospitality’ and that’s bound to put a little hitch in y’ giddy-up.

We’ve rounded up a big ol’ helpin’ of Texas. Topped it off with a delightful dose of mid-west congeniality.
Added a healthy serving of honest-to-goodness down-to-earth Texan food and finished it all with a touch of whip-crackin’ fun and frivolity, to bring you an experience y’all be hollerin’ to come back for. Enjoy.

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