Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started


Due to overwhelming numbers, we have reached capacity for the upcoming 2024/2025 season
and registrations and trials are now officially CLOSED.

If you have already registered for a Trial, don't worry—your spot is guaranteed!

Please DO NOT register as refunds may be Declined. ONLY those on our Trial Register are secured a spot!

We thank you for your enthusiasm and support!

Registration Fees

Registration Fees for the 2024-2025 Season:

  • Jnr & Snr Tiny Tots (3-5yrs) $80
  • 6-12’s Little Athletes $145
  • 13-17’s Junior Athletes $145
  • 20’s Age Group (see below for *T&C’s) $90

*20’S Terms and Conditions: Payment of the State Registration Fee allows you to compete as a Prestons Robins athlete at ANSW Permit events such as Treloar Shield, High Velocity meets, and the NSW Championships – please refer to the NSW Athletics Competition Calendar to see when these events will be held. Please note: that we will not be conducting u20s events on our Friday Little Athletics competition nights.

Further Information

Our website contains a lot of information, please take the time to read the information.

If you have any questions after reading the information, please contact as soon as possible via