Registrations for 2024-2025 season have now closed and will reopen from 1 August 2025.
For further informaiton please contact via Facebook or
The age groups for the Tiny Tots, 7's, 8's , 9's, 11's and 13's have reached there individual capacitys. You will not be able to register a child in any of these age groups this coming season. Please be aware of this, especially when registering multiple children, that you may not be able to register them all due to the age group caps having been reached. We will update if any of the other groups reach this capped amount.
Do not register your child in the incorrect age group by changing their date of birth. We check all these closely and anyone found to incorrectly enter an incorrect date of birth in an attempt to get around the age caps, will have this registration cancelled and NO REFUND given.
Welcome to the Port Macquarie Little Athletics Registration link. Registrations will be open from the 1st of August, 2024. As the whole of Little Athletics has transitioned into a new platform this year the majority of you will not have a National Member Number. If you do, use the registration link which says "Returning Member". If you do not have a National Member Number please use the "New Member" Link. Remember/Record/Take note of this number upon registration. This will be the number that will uniquely identify your child from hereinafter. If you are having any issues in the registration process or have any inquiries, please email us on
Day: Friday
Time: 4:45pm
Age Groups: Tiny Tots for 3&4 year olds, & Under 6 to Under 16s (U17)
Location: Stuart Park, Woods St, Port Macquarie