The Age Manager has one of the most important roles in Little Athletics. You are responsible for caring for and nurturing our young athletes. Your role is to provide a supportive environment in which athletes can learn and develop. An athlete’s enjoyment of the sport will depend upon their experience at our Centre and you have the ability to ensure that this experience is a positive one. We appreciate that Age Managers are volunteers and thank you for taking on this significant role.
Developing your child’s skills at running, jumping and throwing is a very important task that you, as a parent or carer, should be actively encouraging. That means parents and carers being physically active too. That can be using a tape measure, writing down distances, data entry, raking the long jump pit, keeping children in order, or moving the age group from one event to the next and following a few rules.
We require one Age Manager for the Boys and another for the Girls for each age group. This can be several people taking on the role on a rotating basis or one person for the entire season but there must be an Age Manager every single competition night. The rule is “No Age Manager = No Competition” and children will have to sit in the shed until there is one and that’s just boring for everyone!
Who can be an Age Manager?
If you are the parent or carer of a child, you can be their Age Manager.
What you need to know?
Nothing, we’ll teach you the basics and also run some introduction to little athletics coaching courses throughout our season for parents.
What do I wear each night?
Comfortable clothes and covered shoes. You’ll wear an Age Manager vest so that you can be easily seen.
What if I’m away?
Organise another parent or carer ASAP or the week before. Everyone can have a turn.
What’s in it for me?
You’ll see your child compete, you’ll learn new skills, you’ll be a role model for your child, you’ll make the night run smoothly and even do some light exercise.