2021 New Logo and Shirt Launch

2021 New Logo and Shirt Launch

6 June 2021 Port City Hockey Club launched a new look logo and shirt design.  

Creating an identity, we are now known as the Port City Hockey Club 'Marlins'.    The Marlin was chosen for its 'Smart motion system with lookahead, interrupt-based movement and linear acceleration' a quality that can be replicated on the hockey field.

Also showing inclusion, we have now added a personalised indigenous design to our sleeve.

Artwork by Jamie Donovan

"Sharing the Journey"

This design is a story of our community'sconnection to our country .  By working with the wider community, we can see growth and benefits to our own community.

Depicted in the design is the journey (footprints) from one community to another, which shows two groups connected by the same journey.  The two communities are different; one group is in the open and represents community on the outside (left), while the other group, which is sharing the same journey, can see the ripple effects of change.  These changes are positive as the partnership strengthens the two groups as one community.

Working together and sharing stories, keeps us connected, and to me this artwork is the journey for Aboriginal people trying to live in two worlds where we ask for recognition and understanding, whereby the effect is a harmonious community.

Two communities connected by the same journey, creating ripples.

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