Shirt Number Auction & New Logo Reveal


Sun 06 Jun 2021 13:00 — 16:00

Event information

This event has passed.


We are excited to announce that Settlers Inn Hotelare our new Major Supporters.  With Settler’s being a family friendly pub with strong community connections it is the ideal home for our club, and we look forward to a long lasting partnership.


This means we have the opportunity to refresh our whole image and will be proud to reveal our new look Logo along with a sneak peek of our new shirt design on Sunday 6th June 1pm at Settlers Inn Hotel – Function Room.


We are also including numbers on our shirts so to inject some fun into getting these shirts as well as raising funds for our club, we have arranged a Shirt Number Auction’ where you can bid to get your favourite or lucky number – which will be allocated for life.


Numbers 1-20 have already been allocated to our Life Members therefore numbers 21 onwards will be up for grabs and the highest bidder will win! 

 Ways to bid are:

  1. Exact bid on the day – bidding will start at $5, and increases will be in $5 increments. 
  2. Proxy bid – set a maximum limit on your bid and it will automatically outbid your clubmate if someone else counter bids.

For those that don’t bid on a number, you will be allocated one by the committee at a cost of $5.


So how much are you willing to bid for YOUR number?


Let’s find out on Sunday 6th June 1pm at Settlers Inn Hotel – Function Room

If you are unable to attend, you can send your maximum proxy bid with your desired number and/or second choice by Saturday 5th June 10pm to


We suggest you get there a bit earlier to grab some lunch or hang around after and have a drink with your clubmates and look forward to seeing as many members attending as possible in what will be a fun and exciting afternoon.

PCHC Committee


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