
Dragons Abreast Melbourne Pink Phoenix


Our club is a proud group member of
Dragons Abreast Australia


Founded over 25 years ago on the principles of participation, awareness and inclusiveness, Dragons Abreast Australia is a national charity with groups spread across the country and a membership of over 1200 individuals, the majority of whom are breast cancer survivors.

Its mission is to encourage wellness, fitness, fun and camaraderie for breast cancer survivors through the sport of dragon boating and promote breast cancer awareness throughout our community.

Dragons Abreast is a leader in the movement for people affected by breast cancer; spreading awareness, empowering individuals, and educating on the benefits of an active lifestyle after diagnosis.

Our club
Dragons Abreast Melbourne Pink Phoenix!

We welcome all breast cancer survivors, and their special supporters, to experience the magic of dragon boating. We promise we’ll make you laugh a lot!

Never tried dragon boating before? Guess what, none of us had either before we decided to have a try! And we haven’t regretted it for a second! Now, we can’t imagine life without it.

With many years of experience between our Sweeps and Coaches, you’ll be in safe and caring hands when you come and try dragon boating with us!

The wonderful supportive environment of being surrounded by those who’ve previously been diagnosed with breast cancer, moving forward together (literally!) towards a healthy new life full of friendship and adventure. And a bit of exercise on the side doesn’t go astray either!

Our members are from all over greater Melbourne. We’re based in Docklands near the city, so we get fantastic views while we’re on the water!

We paddle for 1 hr on:
Wednesdays @ 6.30pm*
and for 1.5hrs on:
Saturdays @ 10.00am*
then enjoy going out together for a coffee or dinner in Docklands afterwards – perfect!

During regatta season (race days), we love travelling to different locations for some racing fun! And we love catching up with all our fellow Dragons Abreast club dragon boaters around Victoria and Australia. We’ve made life-long friends everywhere!

We're always looking for new members and we’d love to meet you!!!

* Please note that we depend upon a minimum number of participants to proceed with any training session. A session, or several consecutive sessions, may be cancelled due to the minimum number of paddlers consistently not being reached. We work hard to try to avoid this happening!

What to Wear and Bring
An open heart and a big smile! Be prepared to get wet, yes it’s a water sport!

Shorts/leggings and a light-weight top which dries quickly.
Anti-slip shoes/sneakers/closed-in sandals suitable for water sports.
Lightweight waterproof jacket if it’s cool, wet or windy.

A water bottle
A cap/sunhat & sunglasses
Slap on some sunscreen beforehand too!

We’ll provide:
A huge welcome!
And a paddle and life jacket to borrow each week.

Dragons Abreast Melbourne Pink Phoenix is also a proud member group of:

Dragon Boat Victoria (DBV)
Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA)
International Breast Cancer Paddling Commission (IBCPC)



We Support