
Phantoms Water Polo Club

Come & Try

Are your kids over swimming lessons but you want them to keep up their water awareness, ability and fitness?


Try Flippa Ball this summer!  At PHANTOMS we are all about Fun, Fitness and Friendship.


Flippa Ball is the perfect activity for those who love both swimming AND being part of a team!


All Rookies Welcome!


We cater for all ages - all that is needed is the desire to have fun in the water and basic water awareness.

Phun Ball (as a guide up to Year 3) is for anyone who loves to play in the water (run in a shallow pool)

Flippa Ball (as a guide Year 2-6) is a modified form of water polo, designed to develop swim fitness and confidence in a team environment (run in the deep pool)

Our coaches will quickly assess which level is right for you.


PHANTOMS – Beatty Park

Flippa Ball & Phun Ball

“Come and Try” Session

9am-10am - Saturday 15 October 2022

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