The Mudlark is the most junior of the eleven dinghy classes sailed at the Perth Dinghy Sailing Club.
It is a small training craft constructed from plywood or fibreglass and its compact size (2.1 metre/20kg) allows easy handling and transportation on a car roof rack or in the rear of a station wagon or ute.
The single sail is easy to manage and children as young as seven can learn to sail this wonderful boat.
The Mudlark was designed locally in 1960 and has stood the test of time proving that this yacht is a perfect introduction to the sport of sailing.
Many of todays' yachtsmen and women who begun their sailing careers in the Mudlark have competed and found success on the National and World stage.
Most importanly, the Mudlark has introduced many of us to our sailing lifestyle and has provided a lifetime passion for the sport which has spanned many generations.